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NaPoWriMo 2020 & Self-Care

This post serves multiples purposes. It of course is going to feature a poem for NaPoWriMo, but that poem will be based off of Day 11 of 30 Days of Self-Care from Blessing Manifesting. So I’m a bit all over the place lol, but thanks to the Day 12 prompt on the NaPoWriMo site the poem is in the format of a Triolet (just learned this word/form today!)—an 8 line poem with a tight rhyme scheme in which specific lines are repeated: ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines. I happened to be flipping through the day prompts and decided Day 11’s prompt was a good way to do some verbal/written self-care.

The prompt is as follows: How would you describe yourself, in a loving way, to a stranger?

Dope right?! I need to learn to speak and think lovingly about myself more frequently. I am truly so mean and hard on myself—it’s cruel really. But I am breaking that bad habit, and stopping negative thoughts as they come. Sometimes it’s not as easy to flip the negative into a positive, but I always come back to love and replace those negative thoughts with the truth that I know of. It’s always so easy for me to slip into a dark and hateful space mentally, but like I said, we are working on making those trips short and infrequent. I’m learning to be mindful of my blessings even when I feel sad, inadequate, frustrated, and insecure.

This poem represents how I see myself and how I aim to express myself to and through the world. I hardly ever say such adoring things about myself, but I think this is my favorite poem of NaPoWriMo 2020 thus far (even though I’m 7 poems behind lol).

Remember to be kind and loving to yourself. Treat and compliment yourself how you treat and compliment your best friends, be your biggest cheerleader and support system. Here’s my first ever Triolet poem…

“She is Light”

Iridescent—She is Light spawned from Love.

Her laughter, genuine, amber gold.

Passionate wanderer, creative nurturer, she blooms above

Iridescence. She is Light. Spawned from Love.

Faceted gem, her essence wafts enchanting melodies of

Peace and possibility, strength and versatility. Embodiment of soul.

Iridescent She. Light-spawn of Love.

Her. Laughter. Genuine amber. Gold.

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